Ruby 3x3: Ruby 3 will be 3 times faster

At RubyConf 2015 in San Antonio, Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto announced Ruby 3x3. The goal of Ruby 3x3 is to make Ruby 3 be 3 times faster than Ruby 2. At AppFolio, we think this is awesome and want to help.

[Update: watch Matz's keynote ]

We have been using Ruby for the past nine years. Like most people, we initially came to Ruby via Rails. One of the main ideals of Rails was that developer happiness and productivity are more important than raw system performance. And Ruby supported that quite well. It's easy to write and easy to read. It follows the principle of least surprise. It's flexible and dynamic and perfect for DSLs. It even supports "seattle style".

But for all of Ruby’s virtues, it lacks speed. This isn't to say that performance hasn't improved over time: it has. But is Ruby fast yet? No. And today, the performance expectations are very different from those of nine years ago. Customers now expect more responsive web applications and APIs, developers expect a faster development environment (running rake, running tests, starting rails, asset compilation), and operations expects better utilization of cores and hardware resources. In other words, today we want developer happiness without sacrificing performance.

So, why hasn't Ruby been able to deliver better performance results? Jared Friedman argues that, in part, it's due to a lack of corporate sponsorship. In the case of PHP, it took Facebook to move it forward. In the case of JavaScript, it took Google to kick off the performance arms race. In the case of Ruby, Heroku has been sponsoring Matz, Koichi Sasada, and Nobuyoshi Nakada. That's great, but that's not enough. The development and maintenance of an entire programming language is a massive job. Performance optimization is a challenging problem, and it's only one of many important concerns in that effort. The Heroku three and the rest of the Ruby core team are going to need more support in order to satisfy today's performance expectations.

So, we at AppFolio would like to help. We have reached out to Matz and are proud to be part of the Ruby 3x3 effort.

RubyConf 2015 keynote.png

Our plan is to hire a full-time engineer to work with the Ruby core team on performance. Ideally, we would find someone who is not only a strong C programmer but also has experience with one of other VMs out there (e.g. JVMs, JavaScript VMs).

So, what are the possible ways to make Ruby faster? Here are a few high level ideas:

  • just-in-time compilation: a Ruby JIT is a very promising idea. After all, Java and JavaScript solved their performance issues with the introduction of JIT compilers. Interestingly, there was one experimental attempt at a Ruby JIT with RuJIT, a trace-based JIT. RuJIT showed 2x5x performance gains but was very memory hungry. Perhaps, the RuJIT work can be revisited and improved. Or perhaps we need a new approach with a method-based JIT.
  • ahead-of-time compilation: the concept is to reduce the time the Ruby VM has to spend before actually running a program. Aaron Patterson has already played around with this approach a bit.
  • concurrency: despite the common misconception about the GIL, Ruby does support concurrency quite well in cases where IO is involved (making HTTP requests, reading a file, querying the database, etc). However, the Thread is a low level primitive, which makes it difficult to write concurrent programs correctly. There are gems like concurrent-ruby that provide higher-level abstractions, but we need these higher-level abstractions in Ruby itself to gain adoption and greater performance.
  • optimize / remove GIL: in order to allow Ruby to be a viable option in the parallel computing realm, we need to remove the GIL.
  • profile-optimize-rinse-repeat: of course, we cannot overlook the bread and butter of profiling existing parts of code and finding ways to optimize bottlenecks. 

Let us know if you or someone you know is qualified and interested in the above problems (paul dot kmiec at appfolio dot com AND matz at ruby-lang dot org). 

We're just one company among many whose businesses are built on Ruby, so we call out to the others:

Join us and help make Ruby 3x3 a reality.

P.S. If you'd like to contribute to the Ruby / Rails community at large, we suggest also taking a look at

P.P.S. Thanks to John Yoder and Andrew Mutz for helping shape this post.

Ruby Mixins & ActiveSupport::Concern

A few people have asked: what is the dealio with ActiveSupport::Concern? My answer: it encapsulates a few common patterns for building modules intended for mixins. Before understanding why ActiveSupport::Concern is useful, we first need to understand Ruby mixins.

Here we go...!

First, the Ruby object model:

As you can see mixins are "virtual classes" that have been injected in a class's or module's ancestor chain. That is, this:

module MyMod

class Base

class Child < Base
  include MyMod

# irb> Child.ancestors
#  => [Child, MyMod, Base, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]

results in the same ancestor chain as this:

class Base

class MyMod < Base

class Child < MyMod

# irb> Child.ancestors
#  => [Child, MyMod, Base, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]

Great? Great.

Modules can also be used to extend objects, for example:

my_obj =
my_obj.extend MyMod

# irb> my_obj.singleton_class.ancestors
#  => [MyMod, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]

In Ruby, every object has a singleton class. Object#extend does what Module#include does but on an object's singleton class. That is, the following is equivalent to the above:

my_obj =
my_obj.singleton_class.class_eval do
  include MyMod

# irb> my_obj.singleton_class.ancestors
#  => [MyMod, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]

This is how "static" or "class" methods work in Ruby. Actually, there's no such thing as static/class methods in Ruby. Rather, there are methods on a class's singleton class. For example, w.r.t. the ancestors chain, the following are equivalent:

class MyClass
  extend MyMod

# irb> MyClass.singleton_class.ancestors
#  => [MyMod, Class, Module, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]

class MyClass
  class << self
    include MyMod

# irb> MyClass.singleton_class.ancestors
#  => [MyMod, Class, Module, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]

Classes are just objects "acting" as "classes".

Back to mixins...

Ruby provides some hooks for modules when they are being mixed into classes/modules:

For example:

module MyMod
  def self.included(target)
    puts "included into #{target}"

  def self.extended(target)
    puts "extended into #{target}"

class MyClass
  include MyMod
# irb>
# included into MyClass

class MyClass2
  extend MyMod
# irb>
# extended into MyClass2

# irb> MyClass.ancestors
# => [MyClass, MyMod, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]
# irb> MyClass.singleton_class.ancestors
# => [Class, Module, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]

# irb> MyClass2.ancestors
# => [MyClass2, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]
# irb> MyClass2.singleton_class.ancestors
# => [MyMod, Class, Module, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]

Great? Great.

Back to ActiveSupport::Concern...

Over time it became a common pattern in the Ruby worldz to create modules intended for use as mixins like this:

module MyMod
  def self.included(target)
    target.send(:include, InstanceMethods)
    target.extend ClassMethods
    target.class_eval do

  module InstanceMethods
    def an_instance_method

  module ClassMethods
    def a_class_method
      puts "a_class_method called"

class MyClass
  include MyMod
# irb> end
# a_class_method called

# irb> MyClass.ancestors
#  => [MyClass, MyMod::InstanceMethods, MyMod, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]
# irb> MyClass.singleton_class.ancestors
#  => [MyMod::ClassMethods, Class, Module, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]

As you can see, this single module is adding instance methods, "class" methods, and acting directly on the target class (calling a_class_method() in this case).

ActiveSupport::Concern encapsulates this pattern. Here's the same module rewritten to use ActiveSupport::Concern:

module MyMod
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  included do

  def an_instance_method

  module ClassMethods
    def a_class_method
      puts "a_class_method called"

You'll notice the nested InstanceMethods is removed and an_instance_method() is defined directly on the module. This is because this is standard Ruby; given the ancestors of MyClass ([MyClass, MyMod::InstanceMethods, MyMod, Object, Kernel]) there's no need for a MyMod::InstanceMethods since methods on MyMod are already in the chain.

So far ActiveSupport::Concern has taken away some of the boilerplate code used in the pattern: no need to define an included hook, no need to extend the target class with ClassMethods, no need to class_eval on the target class.

The last thing that ActiveSupport::Concern does is what I call lazy evaluation. What's that?

Back to Ruby mixins...


module MyModA

module MyModB
  include MyModA

class MyClass
  include MyModB

# irb> MyClass.ancestors
#  => [MyClass, MyModB, MyModA, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]

Let's say MyModA wanted to do something special when included into the target class, say:

module MyModA
  def self.included(target)
    target.class_eval do
      has_many :squirrels

When MyModA is included in MyModB, the code in the included() hook will run, and if has_many() is not defined on MyModB things will break:

irb :050 > module MyModB
irb :051?>   include MyModA
irb :052?> end
NoMethodError: undefined method `has_many' for MyModB:Module
 from (irb):46:in `included'
 from (irb):45:in `class_eval'
 from (irb):45:in `included'
 from (irb):51:in `include'

ActiveSupport::Concern skirts around this issue by delaying all the included hooks from running until a module is included into a non-ActiveSupport::Concern. Redefining the above using ActiveSupport::Concern:

module MyModA
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  included do
    has_many :squirrels

module MyModB
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern
  include MyModA

class MyClass
  def self.has_many(*args)
    puts "has_many(#{args.inspect}) called"

  include MyModB
# irb>
# has_many([:squirrels]) called

# irb> MyClass.ancestors
#  => [MyClass, MyModB, MyModA, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]
# irb> MyClass.singleton_class.ancestors
#  => [Class, Module, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]

Great? Great.

But why is ActiveSupport::Concern called "Concern"? The name Concern comes from AOP ( Concerns in AOP encapsulate a "cohesive area of functionality". Mixins act as Concerns when they provide cohesive chunks of functionality to the target class. Turns out using mixins in this fashion is a very common practice.

ActiveSupport::Concern provides the mechanics to encapsulate a cohesive chunk of functionality into a mixin that can extend the behavior of the target class by annotating the class' ancestor chain, annotating the class' singleton class' ancestor chain, and directly manipulating the target class through the included() hook.


Is every mixin a Concern? No. Is every ActiveSupport::Concern a Concern? No.

While I've used ActiveSupport::Concern to build actual Concerns, I've also used it to avoid writing out the boilerplate code mentioned above. If I just need to share some instance methods and nothing else, then I'll use a bare module.

Modules, mixins and ActiveSupport::Concern are just tools in your toolbox to accomplish the task at hand. It's up to you to know how the tools work and when to use them.

I hope that helps somebody.

Don't make your users wait for GC

One of the weaknesses of Ruby is garbage collection. Although some improvements have been made (tunable GC settings, lazy sweep, bitmap marking), it is still a simple stop-the-world GC. This can be problematic especially for large applications. We have a rather large application running on Passenger 3 using REE 1.8.7 with tuned GC. As the application grew, the GC performance has been degrading until we were faced with the following situation where GC averages 130 ms per request.

It was time to address our obvious GC problem.

We could have continued to tune the GC and optimize memory usage to reduce the impact of GC on response times. But why? Why have the GC impact the response time at all? Instead, we decided to trigger GC after one request finishes but before the next request starts. This is not a new idea. It is actually generically referred to as out of band work (OOBW). It has been implemented by Unicorn and discussed here. However, it is not supported by Passenger. So we decided to add OOBW support to Passenger.

Our patch allows the application to respond with an additional header, namely X-Passenger-OOB-Work. When Passenger sees this header, it will stop sending new requests to that application process and tell that application process to perform the out of band work. The application registers oob_work callback for the work it wants done using Passenger's event mechanism. When the work is done, the application process resumes handling of normal requests.

All the application code can be packaged in an initializer,

PhusionPassenger.on_event(:oob_work) do
 t0 =
 GC.start "Out-Of-Bound GC finished in #{ - t0} sec"

class RequestOOBWork
 def initialize(app, frequency)
   @app = app
   @frequency = frequency
   @request_count = 0

 def call(env)
   @request_count += 1
   status, headers, body =
   if @request_count % @frequency == 0
     headers['X-Passenger-Request-OOB-Work'] = 'true'
   [status, headers, body]

Rails.application.config.middleware.use RequestOOBWork, 5

After experimentation, we decided to trigger GC after every 5 requests. If you set the parameter too high, then GC will continue to occur in the middle of requests. If you set the parameter too low, then application processes will be busy performing their out-of-band GC causing Passenger to spawn more workers.

With these changes in place, our graphs show 10x improvement in GC average per request,

The patch we implemented and deployed to production is for Passenger 3. It is available here.

Passenger 4 is currently under active development. In fact, beta 1 has already been released. We've ported our patch to Passenger 4. It is merged and expected to be included in beta 2.